our holographic existence

“Supernormal aspects of human consciousness are far too important to be marginalized, derided, deliberately misinterpreted, attacked unfairly, or dismissed out of hand,” writes British physicist, author, cosmologist and visionary Jude Currivan in her most recent book The Cosmic Hologram.  

For too long science got the better of us and we shoved the whole invisible aspect of our existence basically under the rug.  But it’s making a comeback – indigenous people never lost it, and prior to the 1700s we had it as well.  Ultimately our unseen reality is so much more important than we realize.   Whether you are interested in meditation, creative visualization, energy healing, telepathy, your own emotional life and psychology, or actually the new physics, we begin to open up to the idea that we are so much more than a body with a brain.  As a matter of fact, scientists still can’t find the spirit in the brain.  Phenomena such as distance healing, spontaneous remission, synchronicity, premonitions, near death experiences all create a scientific headache because they can’t be explained within the rigid parameters we have set for science, nor can they be researched and tested with conventional Newtonian methods.

Shakti Gawain’s New Age classic Creative Visualization from 1978 was probably the first bestselling book on how to conjure up what you want to manifest in your life.   Meanwhile, so many newer authors are all writing about the same thing, whether Rhonda Byrne ( The Secret), Mike Dooley (Infinite Possibilities) , Jennifer Grace (Directing Your Destiny) and many others.

Dr. Currivan’s book ends with the statement that “consciousness isn’t something we have, but that it’s something we and the whole world are,”  while French philosopher Pierre Teilhard de Chardin said that we are spiritual beings in a physical body.  Once we remove the wool from over our eyes and make this shift in our minds that thought creates matter, the possibilities become endless.  See a previous related post here