the elephant in the room

Recently, I was not only asked to do some writing for producer Dena Barnett's upcoming documentary, Spiritual Healing: A New Frontier, but also to contribute a statement regarding the elephant in the room.

Which elephant, you may ask.  Well, if Spiritual Healing promises such good results why does it have such difficulty finding acceptance, credibility and traction?  The answer is two-fold and lies in the elephant so to speak.  

First, Spiritual Healing is low-tech and low cost - it costs nothing beyond the practitioner’s time, and requires no technology or other salable “props.”  Hence, if Spiritual Healing became widely accepted and gained traction, it would dismantle parts of the medical-industrial complex, which relies on people being ill, and the enormous reoccurring revenues from doctor’s visits, procedures, and pharmaceuticals that come with it.  Our culture is more profit than wellness driven, and there is enormous resistance to this shift from a financial perspective. 

Second, Spiritual Healing operates within the unseen aspect of our earthly existence, that of consciousness, and consciousness has thus far been science's, and our general cultural underpinning’s, "elephant in the room.”  Science, and the medical establishment in particular, has as yet not been willing to openly investigate the connection between consciousness and illness, and how the mind influences the body’s well or ill being.  Consciousness is the elephant in the room that scientists don't dare to mention for fear of being discredited.  

When we turn this tide, when the scientific and medical establishments openly acknowledge that consciousness influences matter, and not the other way around, that healing and ill being happen on the mental plane, it will be a momentous paradigm shift in human consciousness evolution so big we can't even predict all the implications to our way of life.

Here a related earlier post on healing eras and energy medicine.

as above, so below

The other day I was newly setting up my calendar on my cellphone, having previously only managed appointments and events on an agenda book that's sitting in the middle of the house where I walk by many a times a day and peek into it.  What struck me as I was setting up the virtual calendar was that it automatically pulled up event locations as I typed them in, which then automatically would enable me to obtain directions, call the place up, email it, or look at their website for more information.  Many of you are already operating like this, but I was struck and realized something else. 

We may not all fully accept a collective subconscious or the interconnectedness of all beings on the non-physical plane yet, although scientists are coming around to that - see Robin Wall Kimmerer's book Braiding Sweetgrass and similar botanical research I covered in another post. This complete interconnectedness with via the cloud or the interweb is intertwining us via technology and informs how we interact and organize in our physical environment.  

From there it is just one step to fully realize, "As above, so below." "As above, so below" is a spiritual tenet that originates in the hermetic tradition and says that what's happening on a micro level is also happening on a macro level. The technological interconnectedness seems to me like a mirror reflection of this other interconnectedness, the one Larry Dossey, internationally known physician, author and speaker, refers to in his latest book One Mind, the universal consciousness that ancient and newly revived or developed healing modalities also tap into.

The complete interconnectedness of almost the entire human population now through cloud computing and the internet/interweb physically mirrors the complete interconnectedness we have with all of life on a consciousness level.  As above, so below.


new right-brain culture

I so love the new values.  I can feel it in my bones that a more meaningful culture is lurking underneath all this mess and morass.  Already in 2005 Daniel Pink wrote in his insightful and very readable A Whole New Mind:  Why Right Brainers Will Rule The Future,  "We've moved from an economy built on people's backs to an economy built on people's left brains to what is emerging today: an economy and society built more and more on people's right brains."

The Age of Creativity!  You probably remember, at least by title, the book Drawing On The Right Side Of The Brain, that taught drawing intuitively rather than intellectually.  The right side of the brain governs our creative-emotional aspect, the left our rational-analytical.  Neither can function without the other, or rather both sides inform each other to make us human, although we're not necessarily perfectly balanced. In general terms many really creative people lack a bit of rational-analytical, and many sciency, techy or businessy people lack some creative-emotional.  Others seem perfectly balanced (my daughter can navigate both complicated scientific details and concepts, and she is very creative at the same time).  In addition, more women are slightly right brain heavy, while more guys are a bit left brain heavy (that's what that other fun book, Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus was all about).  Here a link to a good article that compares the two sides of the brain.

Pink is saying that we're moving towards a more creative, empathic cultural and economic model.  That is also the reason why the humanities are on the rise again. Corporations are finally understanding that people who have learned to think, to look at broad cultural patterns and ideas, and who are creative, will do well in many different business environments because they think laterally and out-of-the box, instead of linearly within their field.  Right-brainers can make connections between seemingly unrelated fields. Waldorf Education has always taught to make such lateral connections, and speaks to this cultural shift (Rudolf Steiner, its founder and a brilliant visionary, was way ahead of his times.  We're only now catching up to his many ideas.).  

So, are you well balanced between both sides of the brain?  More left brain?  Or more right brain?